Two Colorado, USA companies say they will jointly develop a premium line of medicinal CBD-based products. C-Beyond-Health, based in Golden, and Denver-based Next Frontier Biosciences plan to release a line of topical salves and under-the-tongue sprays in the second quarter of 2019.
The venture combines C-Beyond-Health’s “patient-focused” approach to R&D, and the company’s marketing and distribution platform with proprietary pharmaceutical-grade CBD formulations from Next Frontier.
“We recognize the shortcomings in the industry. This partnership demonstrates a commitment to add a much-needed level of sophistication to how medicinal cannabis products are developed, packaged, and delivered to patients,” said Mike Segal, President of Partnerships at C-Beyond Health.
Patient dosage critical
That includes the critical matter of accuracy in patient dosage, Segal noted. Precise dosing with high bioavailability represents the most common problem with medicinal cannabis.
Next Frontier Biosciences (NFB) has patents pending on formulations for nasal, sublingual and topical delivery technologies for mixed cannabinoids.
C-Beyond-Health is using advanced botanical and medicinal chemistry solutions to develop cannabinoids in rations relevant to health outcomes for specific health conditions. The company is developing platforms to advance the dialogue between doctors and patients about the use of cannabis-derived medicines.
C-Beyond Health earlier this month announced an investment from Hong Kong-based multi-national Triple Ten Ltd, and said it is poised to move into Thailand as the regulatory environment in that country clears clears.