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$200/€182 for one year

Join Now! Add your listing to the Hemp Today Business Directory, our listings of other qualified* hemp companies the world over – an essential tool to help you reach customers and business partners, and to share knowledge and ideas with other hemp professionals. Our 8,000+ users will see your record as it appears below.

Qualified, verified audience

Through nearly seven years of research and interaction with hemp firms and professionals around the world, we’ve developed a strong following among leading industry players. You can be assured that contacts made through the HempToday Business Directory are serious players.

All companies in our Business Directory have met all of the following qualifications:

  • Working company website or social media page
  • Basic company contact data (physical address, etc.)
  • Indication of hemp industry sector/areas of interest/expertise
  • Identification, by name, of persons who are principals in the company

3 Key member benefits

Here’s a summary of your benefits

1. Company listing in HT Business Directory

How your listing will appear (sample only)
Hempoint listing in HT Business Directory

2. Highlight position for one week on — all pages!

3. Highlight position in HT email newsletter (one week); 8,000+ subscribers.

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