NHA questions ‘tactics, timing’ in HIA suit

The U.S. National Hemp Association (NHA) has questioned the approach of the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) in that group’s recently filed court case against the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

In a statement issued Jan. 24, NHA said that while it “remain(s) in solidarity… with the HIA in all efforts to further clarify the legitimacy of hemp,” the group noted it is “not in harmony as to tactics and timing” regarding the suit, which has been joined by two industry players.

“We maintain the position that the action by the DEA last month was largely administrative and should not affect the progress that’s been made. We are prepared to respond should those circumstances change,” NHA said in the statement, posted on its web site.

The HIA has petitioned federal courts to rule on the DEA’s authority to classify cannabis extracts as outlined in a recent DEA notice that set off an industry media storm and cast a cloud over the U.S. CBD market.

Other parties to the HIA suit are hemp food maker Centuria Natural Foods and Colorado-based RMH Holdings LLC, an energy drink producer.

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