HT Partnerships: Organizations

Make your Organization a HempToday partner and begin delivering valuable hemp industry information to your members. Just add HempToday membership benefits to the others you offer your Organization’s members. We offer discounted group membership programs to qualified organizations.

Benefits to your Organization

  • We’re here to advise and support you with your Organization’s media communications through the assets of HempToday.
  • The partnership can be a powerful plank in your membership recruitment program — an added benefit to your members, passed along by your Organization.
  • Your Organization gets a place inside our HempToday media hub which magnifies your voice across the industry.
  • Your Organization is listed in our HempToday Connect global business directory of industrial hemp stakeholders.

We’ll meet your budgeting goals

We can build a customized package of media benefits for your members from among the HempToday features below — with plans flexible enough to meet your budgeting goals no matter how big or small your organization may be.

What your members get

HempToday email News Updates
Headlines and summaries of top hemp industry stories as things develop.

Listing in HempToday Connect Directory
Our extensive global data base of hemp industry stakeholders. An essential tool to reach customers and business partners, and to share knowledge and ideas with other hemp professionals.

Issues of HempToday print editions
PDF versions of the latest editions of HempToday print.

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