Product Development for Industrial Hemp Textiles

SEPTEMBER 2024Looks at the potential development lanes for hemp textile and fashion products and what is necessary to commodify industrial hemp. The analysis provided in this paper makes the case for investing – wisely – in an industrial hemp apparel supply chain from field to finished goods. From Canna Markets Group and HempToday.


FROM THE INTRODUCTION: The goal of this analysis is not to say that industrial hemp sectors such as CBD, building materials, hemp seed, and oil products are not viable. However, we first need to embrace and acknowledge the fundamental roots of what hemp has historically produced well and make those high-quality products available to consumers. Hemp will not save the planet as we once believed, but it could make a great pair of jeans if we invest in the supply chain to support it. The analysis provided in this paper will make the case for investing in an industrial hemp apparel supply chain from field to finished goods.”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joseph Carringer, Lead Strategist and Project Manager at Canna Markets Group, has worked with multiple hemp-based apparel companies since 1997, including design and merchandising projects for hemp- based apparel lines for large-scale US-based mall chain distribution. He has worked in the Garment District of New York with vertically integrated jobbers for brands such as Calvin Klein, Donna Karen, Jones of New York, and others, and on offshore production projects in Eastern Europe and Northern China. Joseph has a deep understand- ing of infrastructure development for industrial hemp fiber, hurd, and oil. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Creative Leadership/Liberal Studies and a Master of Professional Studies (MPS) degree in Professional Project Management.

ABOUT CANNA MARKETS GROUP: Canna Markets Group is a hemp industry information repository, think tank, and consultancy that provides data, analytics, strategic planning, business planning, and project management services to a wide variety of customers throughout various industrial hemp supply chain sectors based on a diverse industrial hemp and environmental sciences knowledge base.

Industrial hemp is a hearty agricultural crop that can be harvested for applications including but not limited to food, fuel, building materials, pulp, textiles, and composites. Global hemp markets are poised to become an integral component of growing trends toward circular economies and sustainable industry. Currently, every industrial hemp supply chain sector has the opportunity for development, innovation, and growth.

CMG clients have access to the data and experience necessary to make informed strategic planning, business modeling, and operational decisions in the ever-changing and dynamic global hemp marketplace

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