Celebrating Hemp History Month – [Natural Foods Merchandiser, October 1998] – “The drug-testing industry thinks hemp seed foods should be banned because they will make people test positive [for drug use],” says Richard Rose, founder and president of Santa Rosa, Calif.-based Rella Good Cheese Co. and chair of the food committee for the Hemp Industries Association (HIA). “What they neglect to mention is that Advil, poppy seeds, and some cold medicines will do the same. There are alternatives to banning foods. They could find a better test or raise the threshold for detecting THC. And, there’s things the industry can do.
Rose is not all talk. This year he founded the Hemp Foods Association (HFA) because of the “serious need for quality control and good information” within the foods sector specifically. Rose says that HFA encourages higher standards for production, and distributes information. Membership is by invitation only, but manufacturers can request membership through the association’s email address. (more)
This series courtesy of the Richard Rose Report