The Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance (CHTA) will oversee a National Hemp Cluster aimed at “benefitting all stakeholders along the value chain and enhancing the nation’s health and natural environment,” the Alliance said in a recent release.
CHTA has invited letters of intent from researchers to join the Cluster ahead of a funding application window under the Canada’s Agriculture Policy Framework (APF). The program is expected to be accepting applications later this year, and be fully launched by April 1, 2018.
The five-year projects are funded up to the level of Can$1 million each, according to the CHTA release, and must detail clear, outcomes-based research. The program looks for hemp initiatives that address commercialization, knowledge transfer, innovation, sustainability, risk management, public trust, value-added agriculture and potential market opportunities.
In the broader effort to support Canada’s national hemp research priorities, the CHTA-led effort will bring together groups and organizations leading other relevant clusters as it looks to cover an extensive body of knowledge across the full spectrum of hemp farming and production — with fiber ranking high on that list.
Priorities of Canada’s National Hemp Cluster*
● Fiber yield/quality of seed varieties vs dual purpose varieties + economics.
● Harvesting of dual purpose varieties to maximize fibre quality.
● Retting methods to fulfill specific requirements of various end users of fibre + economics.
● Novel uses of hemp post-decortication residues.
● Life Cycle Analyses and recyclability of hemp fibre products. Box 1484, Steinbach, MB R5G 1N2 Food and Health Effects of dehulled hempseed, hempseed oil and hemp protein: a. Biomarkers for Cardiovascular disease: Serum lipids, inflammatory biomarkers, etc. b. Biomarkers for diabetes: Glucose, insulin sensitivity, hemoglobin A1C, etc. c. Satiety and weight control Agronomy Production.
● Maximum economic fertility levels.
● Green manure varieties and termination dates for maximum soil nutrition.
● Effects of extreme seeding dates – yield, height, biomass.
● Economics of soil amendments.
● Evaluating new weed control products or methods.
● Modifications to equipment – saving more seed during high moisture harvesting
● Reducing aeration drying time – horizontal air flow in bins
● Methods of incorporating all post-harvest fiber Feed
● Assessment of the efficacy and safety of (whole hemp, hulled hemp, hemp meal, hempseed oil, screenings, hulls and chaff) as an animal feed; poultry, swine, dairy, beef.
* Canadian Hemp Trade Alliance