A new cannabis association in Germany says its work will fully embrace industrial hemp as it aims to set a constructive legal and regulatory landscape for cannabis in Europe’s biggest market.
The mission of the newly-formed Cannabis Industry Association (BvCW) is to establish an innovative and sustainable market for cannabis products based on consumer protection and the observance of quality standards.
Education, always
“We have a lot of educational work ahead of us to prepare Germany for competition in the international marketplace,” said Marijn Roersch van der Hoogte of consultancy MRHemp, who serves as a vice president of the new group.
Roersch van der Hoogte said outdated THC limit values and issues related to the use of cannabis as raw material for food and food supplements are among the critical issues affecting hemp that the group will address.
Fourteen companies representing a wide range of cannabis interests were present at a formative meeting of the BvCW recently held in Berlin. The group is a spin-off of the German Hemp Association (DHV), which works on civil rights issues related to cannabis. BvCW, in a statement, said it will focus more on “politics, economy, science and the media aspects of the cannabis economy.”
Representation ‘overdue’
“Representation of interests for the cannabis industry in Germany was overdue,” said Stefan Meyer, Neo-Livia GmbH, who is president of the new Association. “The BvCW wants to strengthen the strong voice for all companies already active in the cannabis sector.” He said a wide range of issues need to be addressed regarding research, legislation and regulations for medical cannabis, industrial hemp, import, services, trade and engineering.
Another newly named director, Joscha Krauss of CBD company mh Medical Hemp Gmbh, said the group will work on framework conditions for secure marketability of CBD & CBD products, product quality assurance and standardization of procedures and rules for the market.
‘Active dialogue’
“When CBD or other cannabinoids are used in cosmetics and foodstuffs, scientific findings must lead to practicable framework conditions,” Krauss said. He said the Association will therefore engage in active dialogue over the classification of CBD extracts as Novel Food, noting those rules must be critically questioned and need to change.
Other board members, who also serve on the BvCW executive committee, are: Dr. Armin Prasch, Fidelio Healthcare GmbH & Co. KG; Lisa Haag, MJ Universe Ltd; Michael Greif, Drapalin Pharmaceuticals GmbH; Sven Kallies, Thankyoujane GmbH; Benjamin Patock, Bovida Inc.; Philipp Weber Cannamigo GmbH; Maximilian Moosbrugger, Cannamigo GmbH; and Ulrich Thibaut, TherCanni GmbH. Jürgen Neumeyer, formerly of the DHV, is the Association’s managing director.