Hemp fields in Poland expanding

Almost 430 hectares are set aside for hemp growing this year in Poland’s municipal district of Swiętokrzyskie. A total of 23 administrative units in the district, in south-central Poland, are approved for hemp cultivation. The designated hemp growing area for 2017 marks a 170 ha increase over planting last year and reflects dynamic growth in what is a traditional hemp-growing country.

Under the Polish system, regional provincial councils propose hemp and poppy growing areas which then must be approved by government regulators.

Nine companies, including two from Swiętokrzyskie — Olimax NT Sp. z o.o. of Morawica and the Nature Wit of Koperni — have contracted to buy some of the hemp crop.

Poland jumped into the front ranks of European industrial hemp growing, with about 1,400 hectares (about 3,700 acres) under cultivation in 2015. Estimates are that figure grew to between 1,800-2,000 ha in 2016. Indicating Poland’s fast hemp rise: Less than 1,000 ha of hemp were estimated to have been planted in Poland in 2014.

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