Conference to Explore Poland’s Hemp Potential

Poland’s nascent industrial hemp industries will be explored during a “Hemp Days” conference and exhibition Sept. 11-13 at Kurozwęki, a small village in the country’s southeast region. Sessions will range from legal and patenting aspects of hemp to processing, building, medicine, food, rope-making and textiles as well as a harvesting exhibition.

More than a dozen exhibitors are expected to present a wide-range of hemp products during the event, organizers said.

Poland experienced a large jump in industrial hemp growing this year, with about 1,400 hectares (about 3,700 acres) currently under cultivation. That’s a massive increase over 2014 when just 107 hectares were planted in hemp. Meanwhile, Polish farmland designated for hemp by the agriculture ministry is set at 4,800 ha in light of projected demand.

Poland’s Hemp Days will be held at the Kurozwęki Palace, which features a hemp labyrinth. For further information: [email protected].

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