Indian startup takes top award in Asian Hemp Summit competition

Uttrakhand-based startup Gohemp Agroventures, which is developing hempcrete solutions for housing in India, took the top honor in this year’s Entrepreneur Rewards competition at the annual Asian Hemp Summit, which concluded last Saturday in Kathmandu, Nepal. Gohemp was among five entries honored during the two-day Summit in its second year.

Gohemp’s mission is to contribute to India’s goal of providing houses to 11.2 million Indian families by 2022, the 75th anniversary of India’s independence. 

The company was formed by a group of young architects as a response to the growing threat to Indian cities and villages due to polluting construction practices and the conventional built environment, and aims to bridge the gap between architecture and agriculture by promoting plant based building materials while contributing to the economic welfare of Indian farmers. Gohemp also organizes training programs for architects, engineers and builders interested in green building.

Other enterprises recognized from among 35 who participated in the competition, are: 

Cosmic Annunaki, Nepal, which has developed a method for turning hemp stalks into edible charcoal and hemp charcoal-based glass. The company has a goal to empower local communities economically while at the same time preserving Nepal’s native hemp breeds. 

Green Cube Solutions, Poland, a start-up that is developing a suite of artificial intelligence tools dedicated to crop monitoring, yield optimization and management of outdoor hemp fields. The integrated end-to-end platform supports soil preparation through harvest and up to product distribution.

Hemptech Asia Trading (HAT), Malaysia, which is working to develop a hemp fiber industry in North Borneo and the Malaysian state of Sarawak, with the potential to produce as much as 50,000 tons of raw hemp beginning May 2020. HAT also is establishing a women’s business corporation for the fashion and makeup industries, and is creating an app that will give farmers and other stakeholders news, prices and live feeds of hemp plantations. 

Mycroft Gin, United Kingdom aims to develop an enterprise around sustainable, eco-friendly alternatives to common household and personal use products: Hemp biodegradable & compostable wet wipes with natural disinfectant for household cleaning; hemp biodegradable & compostable sanitary pads and tampons; and hemp-based sunscreen.

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